Transport Capacity Assessment for Freight Trains Using Simulation Technique

Author(s): mehmet sinan yıldırım1, metin mutlu aydın2
  • 1. Manisa Celal Bayar University
  • 2. Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi

Abstract: Freight trains are employed for efficient and economic freight transport between freight concentration centers such a dry ports, logistic villages, and seaports. A preliminary step of planning such a transport network is the capacity assessment of the proposed transport system in the manner of freight throughput. Unfortunately, this step requires a detailed study of the underlying transport network and infrastructure. In this study, a novel microscopic simulation model is introduced to evaluate the transport capacity of freight train service using the discrete event simulation concepts. A theoretical railway section, infrastructural and operational constraints are considered in the scope of several execution scenarios. With the microscopic simulation model, the deviation of the freight transport capacity is investigated for a set of model variables and operational constraints. This study demonstrates the applicability of the microsimulation models for railway capacity assessment considering the freight trains.