Author(s): Arjol Lule1
  • 1. Polytechnic University of Tirana Faculty of Geology and Mining Department of Applied Geology, Environment and Geo-Informatics

Abstract: The Albanian Road Authority (ARA), is an independent, public institution in Albania, whose purpose is to construct and maintain roads network. It belongs to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and is the legal owner of the roads and has the authority to execute construction of infrastructures on demand from the ministry. The national road network in Albania is 3945 km length. Based on the data provided by ARA, a segment of 1332 km is under the maintenance by WB project, and rest under the responsibility of ARA. All roughness data collected based on IRI (The International Roughness Index) but different equipment and application are used to evaluate pavement quality for national roads network. This poster aims to assess the different equipment that used on pavement data collection conditions and to make a comparison between them. All equipment has been used in recent years in some of the national road maintenance projects funded by the World Bank and ARA. Based on pavement roughness data collection verification through field survey and desk review, for all used equipment is confirmed that one of them fulfill all conditions without need of buying other equipment.