- 1. Mining Engineer, Kayseri, Turkey
- 2. Konya Technical University, Mining Eng. Dept. Konya, Turkey
Abstract: Workplaces have been locations where people work for their earnings as employees. Occupational safety rules applied for work and workplaces have gradually regulated jobs to supply healthy working conditions. Mining law and related legislations applied for occupational safety of mines have also synchronized working conditions. Rules functional for safety precautions at mining workplaces have also arranged official relationships between employers and employees. Precautions listed for occupational work & workplace safety have activated engineers to focus on the risks of accidents. In this study occupational safety conditions for quarries have been studied to understand possible risks to decide about their preventions. In order to comprehend risks appeared at quarries, whole quarry operations had been analyzed for a selected quarry near Kayseri-Turkey. Results of risk analyses are supplied here to present the importance of safety understandings and safety cultures in mine related societies.