Author(s): Harun Avcu1, Mustafa Yildirim2, Cihangir Koycegiz3, Meral Buyukyildiz4
  • 1. Department of Civil Engineering, Konya Technical University, Turkey
  • 2. Department of Civil Engineering, Konya Technical University, Turkey
  • 3. Department of Civil Engineering, Konya Technical University, Turkey
  • 4. Department of Civil Engineering, Konya Technical University, Turkey

Abstract: Water is an important need to realize fundamental activities of people. With the growth of the settlements, the combined pipeline systems that distribute water brought from natural sources to settlements have become complicated. Damage to water networks due to natural disasters creates many problems. Computer programs are frequently used to examine the impact of disasters on water networks. The EPANET developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency is highly preferred for optimizing water networks, revealing behaviors under different scenarios and solving design problems. With the EPANET program, it is possible to observe hydraulic characteristics (flow rate, pressure, velocity etc.) easily under changing conditions. Akyurt district in Ankara, one of Turkey's crowded cities, has been chosen as the study area. In this study, 5 different fire scenarios were determined for the Akyurt district water network and the behavior of the system was investigated under these scenarios. The pressure and flow behaviors were evaluated under changing conditions in the water distribution network. The behaviors of common areas, public buildings and residential in terms of water transmission under fire scenarios were investigated.