- 1. Expert in Ecology, Plainfield, Illinois, USA; Consultant Scientific Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland College Park, USA; Chief Editor of IJEES journal
- 2. Engineering and Natural Science Faculty, Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey
Abstract: Albanian agriculture is in a growing phase and in qualitative changes. The growth of revenue from crop production, livestock, agro industry, fishery and forestry remain the main alternative for the country social-economic development. In Albania apply three types of Agro ecosystem :1.The traditional agro ecosystem (family , more work); 2.The intensives agro ecosystems (more inputs); 3.The mix agro ecosystem (combination system); In the future : the agricultural production in Albania should be guided by constructed policies which will favor farm efficient systems; encouraging the necessary process of land distribution; supporting adequate schema of the input use and livestock ; agriculture offers through marketing systems development; apply models of agricultural systems slow cimestry inputs; the general physiognomy of farms is characterized by :Their big number: 440,000 farms. The area in ownership of farm families varies from 0.3-3.5 ha, with an average of 1.5 ha/farm. Critical fragmentation of land. According to a study, it results that the area of a single farm is fragmented into 3 to 5 parcels. Overpopulation of farming families. On average the farming family is composed of 4-6 persons. Farmers face financial difficulties to purchase required inputs, due to a lack of input supplies, and high input prices. High level of credit interests.